Missing dog reunited with owner after… Watch the full video…

A year after going missing from his Florida home, Sgt. Pepper was reunited with his owner on Wednesday after being discovered near Charlotte, Michigan. He had been gone since 2014.

It’s been seven years in the making, but it’s finally here!

An abandoned dog called Sgt. Pepper was reunited with his owner on Wednesday in Michigan, more than 1,000 miles away from where he had gone missing two years before.

According to the Eaton County Animal Control, the Yorkshire terrier mix was just 6 years old when he vanished from his Florida home.

Despite the fact that his owner noticed a “found” posting for him on Craigslist at the time, Sgt.

Pepper had already been “claimed by someone who was not his genuine owner” by the time his family reached out to retrieve the dog, according to the department.

As a result of her inability to locate Sgt. Pepper, his owner filed a police complaint and contacted the microchip firm where she had registered the dog that he had gone missing.

According to animal control authorities, “While we do not know every aspect of Sgt Pepper’s voyage, we did uncover how he managed to make it all the way to Michigan.” The household with which Sgt Pepper had been living for the last five years was completely ignorant of his microchip and stolen status.”

Sgt. Pepper was spotted in Charlotte on Monday and ended up in the care of Eaton County Animal Control, who were able to track down his original owner thanks to the contact information contained on his microchip. Sgt. Pepper was adopted by a family in the Charlotte area.

In a statement, the department added, “We are appreciative for their understanding that Sgt Pepper had to be reunited with his original family, and we ask that people please be respectful to their circumstance.” “This wonderful tale serves as a testimony to the need of microchipping your pet and maintaining up-to-date contact information,” says the author.

The owner of Sgt. Pepper had just updated the contact information on his microchip, according to animal control officers, who were able to call her “within minutes of having the dog in their hands,” they added.․․

It was this week when Sgt. Pepper’s owner traveled to Michigan and was reunited with her dog.

This incident serves as a reminder of why it is SO IMPORTANT for all discovered canines to be screened for a microchip, according to the Eaton County Animal Control Department.

As a precaution, it is a good idea to have each new dog you get examined for a microchip just in case, particularly if any part of the dog’s past is unknown.

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