Dog Attack․․․ The reason is scary… Highland Park Considers Ban on Pit Bulls…

Mayor Michael Belsky of Highland Park today suggested that he wants the North suburban city to seek a ban on Pitbulls..

At first I imagined he was referring about the swarm of Highland Park liberal Democrats who quadriennally battle for municipal office with such a degree of fury as to rival the toughest South Side Friday night dogfights.

Or even the radical fans of Dan Seals who engaged in all sorts of unethical acts last year. Or about State Sen. Jeff Schoenberg who pulls an 11th hour surprise, dirty trick every campaign alleging his Christian opponent of having connections to the Nazis…

But fact, the mayor was talking about the genuine pitbull, favoured dog breed of drug traffickers, junkyard owners and many other criminals and bullies.

This was spurred by an event last Friday, when a 14 year old Highland Park girl was beaten on the face and arms by a neighbor’s recently purchased 9 month old pitbull. She will live, but requires more than 100 stitches…

My libertarian instincts make me take pause at agreement with inveterate do-gooders and nanny staters like Mayor Belsky, who made it a personal crusade to save Highland Park beachgoers from the horrors of 2nd hand cigarette smoke (as if that’s a real problem given the gale-force winds usually howling at Chicago beaches.)

Having been an owner of sporting-breed dogs for about a quarter century, I’ve had innumerable run-ins with pitbulls and pitbull owners. They have the potential to be exciting and nerve-wracking.

I have ended up in the emergency room with a cut on my hand received while trying to save my pet from a pitbull. It was a successful effort, although my hand required stitches, was swollen for a week due to the blunt force trauma of the pitbull’s jawlock on my hand and I still sport a scar there.

I have not been a huge lover of that breed since then.․․

The type of persons who swarm for pitbulls often leave much to be desired.․․

Once while traveling along the Chicago lakeshore with my dog we happened into a young black guy with a pitbull pet. “When he gets up, my dog will be able to beat the snot out of any dog,” the guy claimed.

Something told me that this canine-human combination was not going to work out smoothly…

And truth they haven’t often worked out all that well…

A few years ago the Evanston Animal Shelter, which had boasted of its humanitarian, no-kill policy, finally had to abandon it in light of the amount of unadoptable fighting pitbulls that it was harboring. It now euthanizes dogs…

Let’s face it. The pit bull terrier was designed for one purpose and one reason alone. Fighting.

Its jaws exert approximately twice the psi pressure on people as the German Shepherd, the next closest breed. It has an intrinsic tendency to tighten its teeth and cling on. And so many druggie types have been backyard breeding them that even their intrinsically dangerous qualities have been further worsened by in-breeding, often generating in very erratic and unpredictable behavioral patterns.

The death and injury toll of pitbull victims, human, canine and feline – grows nearly weekly.

That’s why Great Britain, the State of Ohio and a rising number of municipalities have restricted ownership or possession of the breed in one form or another…

And Highland Park would be right in establishing a prohibition…

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Comments: 1
  1. Karen Schleicher

    I think it,s the way some pit bulls are raised,if they are raised right they are no problem

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Dog Attack․․․ The reason is scary… Highland Park Considers Ban on Pit Bulls…
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