After the owner’s death, the dog refused to… Pictures are attached…

The dog attended the procession during the burial, after which he remained and has never left the headstone of his devoted owner, becoming a local attraction as a result of his presence there…

While laying on a granite slab, as if on a doormat at a closed door that will never be opened again, the dog seems to be anticipating his owner’s return and appears to be waiting for him…

Bobby is a three-year-old resident dog of the Roca Municipal Cemetery, which is situated in the province of Rio Negro, Argentina, and has elected to remain for the duration of his time there…

The loss of his loving owner had a profound effect on him, yet the dog demonstrates that even death cannot separate him from his cherished owner’s affection…

Daniel Chisterna is his greatest buddy, comrade, and protector, and he has accompanied him on his gravedigging expeditions every day since that time…

According to local funeral directors, the dog is very cuddly, friendly, and helpful. He sits back and allows himself to be beaten. The deceased’s relatives had previously attempted to have him removed from the premises, but to no effect…

When a relative of the dead visited one day, he inquired about the where of this dog. While being transported inside the truck, the dog leaped out and ran back to where the guy was standing.

“It’s clear that he wants to remain with his owner at all times, both before and after death,” says gravedigger Daniel Chisterna.

‘It’s still difficult for me to accept that such creatures exist.’ He’s a wonderful person. The dog had spent his whole life with the owner, and when he passed away, the puppy came to be with us for a while. “I’m really moved because I’ve never seen something like this before,” Daniel said.

During its three-year “cemetery” stay, the dog became a valuable member of the team of local laborers who looked after the grounds. Visitors are informed of his existence…

“When we share Bobby’s tale, it strikes a deep chord inside people, and many of them express the same sentiment: “The more I learn about animals, the less I care about humans,” Daniel closes his narrative…

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After the owner’s death, the dog refused to… Pictures are attached…
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