Following the successful treatment of their beloved dog for cancer, a Georgia family is ecstatic!
When vets discovered a tumor on the front foot of Dixie, an 8-year-old pocket boxer, the original prognosis was bleak…
Especially because Dixie had become a family favorite, dog owner Ally Heck was horrified to discover the devastating news about her pet dog’s health from her veterinarian…
“We have three dogs in all, but she is by far the most beloved. When she was six months old, we adopted her from Atlanta Boxer Rescue and raised her as our own.
And she’s really amazing. She’s the most wonderful puppy you’ve ever had, “Heck shared his thoughts with the publication…
The family was visited by a number of different veterinarians who presented them with a variety of extreme treatment choices for Dixie’s cancer…
“Our regular veterinarian saw it and informed us that there was nothing we could do. It comes as a surprise. So we took her to a specialist, who advised us to amputate her limb “Heck was also a contributor…
The pet parent, on the other hand, was not pleased with their responses…
To rescue their furry family member, Heck’s family decided to look into alternative cancer treatment methods on their own time. That’s when they came across Stelfonta, a medicine produced from a plant found in the Australian rainforest — and they were able to locate down a veterinarian who was eager to check the new therapy out for themselves…
“He said that he had never heard of it before, but I agreed to do it. And I believe he was the first general veterinarian in our state to be able to accomplish this feat “‘Hell said it,’
And it turned out to be a success. Dixie’s tumor was removed within a few weeks, according to Heck…
“It has been tested on several occasions and has been determined not to be cancer. The cancer has been eradicated. It’s no longer there “Heck expressed his displeasure with the situation…
Dr. Lauren Johnson, a veterinarian, provided the following explanation: “This medicine is special in that it directly targets cancer cells, which makes it a one-of-a-kind treatment option.
Consequently, once the drug is injected into the tumor, it immediately causes an inflammatory response, which prompts the immune system to attack the cancer cells in question.”
For the one injection of Stelfonta, Dixie did not even need to be put to sleep, which was a significant savings as compared to alternative treatment choices. The family spent less than $1000 to preserve their energetic canine companion…
Watch the full video below…