Picky dachshund refuses ‘rubbish’ dog food in…

People have been laughing at Dusty, a dachshund, who requested her owner make her something better than “rubbish” kibble. Dusty is the “Queen of the House,” according to her owner, and kibble with carrots and peas isn’t good enough for her…

An adorable TikTok video shows the sausage pup trying to push Chloe Booth’s plate away with her snout.

That’s not going to work. I’m not a fan of that brown crap. This is the tea you’re having, and you’re going to serve it to me? I’m shocked. It is really a shame, he says. “What the hell are you doing?”

Chloe thinks it’s normal for Dusty to be choosy when it comes to her nutrition, given that she recently gave birth to six puppies…

This is usual behavior for Dusty since she considers herself the Queen of the House, and if she continues to act in this manner, I’ll make her some scrambled eggs, boiled chicken, or fish just for her.” I’d say she’s content if she believes I’ll share my tea with her, too.

The most common way she lets me know she doesn’t want her food is by slamming the lid on the dish.” Her bad behavior has become worse when she gave birth to her own litter.

While nursing, she believes she has the right to eat as much as she wants, and she’s right. If that’s the case, I feel she’s been exploiting it right now.”

Currently, Chloe is studying canine behavior and welfare while caring for her half-sister doxies Dusty and Dolly.

She had originally meant to have only one puppy but ended herself swooning for two of them instead.

My bond with him grew at the same time. Despite having different moms, they were born within a few days of one another at a breeder.

When it comes to their personalities, Dolly and Dusty are like a piece of chalk and cheese. To put it another way, Dolly is an unstoppable force, whereas Dusty is, well, a loose cannon. They can’t get enough of each other while they’re together.

In addition to Dusty, there are other dogs who raise a few eyebrows at the dinner table. If his dinner isn’t provided on time, he becomes a bit irritated.

His supper dish then becomes the stage on which he performs a drum solo, making sure everyone in the house is aware of his antics.

“Alfie was in full diva form tonight,” says the video, which has almost 144,000 views on TikTok. No one was surprised to learn that supper had not been served promptly.

In another video, the owner put her golden retriever, Mango, on a ‘diet,’ and she became upset.

Mango, the golden retriever, has stopped to drink from a huge dog dish, clearly awaiting more food from his owner.

When she realizes this, she gazes at her owner with a longing puppy dog expression.

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