A fresh coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak occurs in Maryland, and Loki, the “Dogtor,” is sent to the scene to make certain that the nurses are properly cared for and protected.
Caroline Benzel, a second-year medical student at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, and her therapy dog deliver “Hero Healing Kits” to critical care unit nurses at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Benzel is also a second-year medical student at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.
Fox 17 said that Benzel initially came into contact with Loki around the time she was accepted into medical school. She said that she had no clue what she was getting herself into when she went inside the room.
After seeing the beneficial impact that a therapy dog had on her ailing grandpa, who had previously been a patient of one, she stated her wish to get one during an interview with the website.
For Caroline, the circumstance was as follows: “My grandpa was unwell, and I was compelled to attend him to his hospital room every day for a month.” It was “his face would light up when he saw this dog,” as the author puts it.
Just before the COVID-19 epidemic started, the two of them would spend three days a week in the hospital, interacting with patients and attempting to make them feel better.
The young soldier recalls how he was “dragged away from school and onto the battle lines.” My routine of spending several days a week in the hospital with Loki had become second nature by that point.
For the purpose of providing virtual assistance, the team started FaceTiming with patients and other members of the healthcare team. After becoming keenly aware of the stress that nurses were suffering as a result of their have to wear personal protection equipment at all times, Benzel set out to alleviate that tension.
In an interview with the journal, Benzel said that everyone was required to wear protective equipment (PPE) at all times and that the masks they were donning caused rashes and pain for them.
According to her, she felt compelled to help alleviate some of the pain by putting together care packages for the troops, which she dubbed “hero healing kits” in honor of the warriors.
It is possible that the kits, which were developed by Benzel and Loki using contributions gathered via an Amazon Wishlist, would be of value to health-care professionals. Some of the items included in the bundles include medical lotion and moisturizer, Gold Bond powder, chewing gum, chapstick and tea, among other things.
In a post on Loki’s Facebook page, Benzel said that the total number of kits raised so far has surpassed 1,400, but the number of unfinished kits is closer to 1,600, which is when referring to the total number of kits raised so far.
According to the latest reports, contributions are still pouring in!!! Everyone may agree that we have been overwhelmed by the love and generosity given to us by so many individuals,” she says.
“Over the course of the next week, we will be transferring the bulk of them to four different hospitals,” the team said. “AND THAT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING,” she said after that.
He continued by stating that their tale has motivated other therapy dogs and their owners all around the nation to do the same thing for their local hospitals as they have done for their own.
In his words, “THIS WAS MY DREAM, AND IT IS NOW BECOMING A REALITY: not just to help frontline workers/first responders, but also to encourage others in their counties and states to do the same for their various hospitals,” Benzel stated.
“I’d want to express my gratitude once again for all of the love and support that has been offered to me along this trip. I really appreciate it.” We wanted to express our gratitude to those who keep us secure, and it is only because of you that we have been able to achieve our aim. Thank you for your assistance.
Purchases from their Amazon Wishlist (which can be found at this link) or direct contact with Loki and Benzel in exchange for money in exchange for items via the Venmo app are both acceptable methods of contributing to their fundraising efforts. To learn more about their fundraising efforts, visit their website.
“If you are interested in building hero healing kits in your community, please contact me and I will assist you in any way I can,” Benzel wrote in a statement.