Two canine brothers’ lives have been everything but easy. Tethered to a big log with no water or food, they had to fend for themselves.
When Rachel of Sidewalk Specials came to investigate, they were vicious and belligerent.
They growled and snapped at Rachel as she approached, but they quickly realized that she wasn’t there to hurt them.
While they were eating, their temperament changed from angry to submissive almost instantly.
The canines were rescued and sent to a veterinarian for treatment as a result of Rachael’s activities.
The two dogs’ names were Benji and Otis. Otis’s overall health was outstanding, despite Benji’s knee injury (aside from being hungry and thirsty).
Both canines ended up in separate foster homes, where they failed miserably. When they were supposed to be finished, something amazing happened.
A dog was growling while Benji’s mother went out on a walk with her kid. Before long, Benji and the other dog were frolicking and playing together. When the owner approached, Benji’s mother enquired about the dog’s name, and it was Otis!
Finally, after months of being apart, the two brothers could be reunited. Both dogs were unwilling to split from one another in order to continue their daily walks… After seeing their children’s happiness, the moms had an idea. Their phone numbers were exchanged!
Now they have frequent play dates! Because of some kind of miracle, the two brothers can now regularly see one another.