To take her dog to the veterinarian, a tiny village girl rushed through the snow and…

One day, the veterinarian Ogün ztürk had to go to the hamlet of Düzpelit in the province of Ordu in Turkey in order to treat a sick cow that had been brought there. Despite the fact that the assignment was accomplished swiftly, he intended to return as soon as possible. It wasn’t until much later that something unexpected happened to them.

Ogün’s attention was drawn to something just as he was about to walk away from the dinner table. One of the things that caught his eye was a small girl who was walking through the snow with a dog on her back.

It was in this fashion that their friendship had its start.

‘Cemre Su Türköz’ was a young woman who lived in the hamlet of Su Türköz. Pamuk, her dog, has been scratching himself for a few days now, and she is concerned. As soon as Cemre became aware that her dog was sick, she took the choice to take him to the nearest veterinarian as quickly as she could.

Cemre was forced to seek an alternate path to the district center due to the heavy snowfall that prohibited her from reaching the district center. Then there was the stroke of good fortune.

Cemre got news that a veterinarian would be coming in town later that day to deal with a cow that had been brought in from the countryside. Cemre Su draped Pamuk over her shoulder and rode more than a mile through snowy mountain roads to reach the veterinarian’s office, fearful that he might leave the region before she could get there. He had no idea what had happened until it was too late.

It was a girl who came to Ogün and said that her dog was sick, that he was itching himself all the time and couldn’t make it into the district center because of the snow. She also explained that she couldn’t take her dog to the veterinarian because she couldn’t afford it.

Who could ever say no to a client who is as lovely as this individual? Ogün performed an urgent assessment on the pup, which revealed that the animal’s condition was not life threatening. It is possible that a little dose of topical medication will be sufficient to resolve his ailment.

Due to the child’s confidence, Ogün was so taken aback that he refused to accept compensation for his services. Despite the fact that Cemre offered him around 7 liras, he refused to take it. Her generosity was the best kind of restitution he could have asked for after his ordeal.

It didn’t take long for the three of them to become good friends with one another. The village becomes a regular stop for Ogün, who travels there often to visit with Cemre and Pamuk.

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