225 miles away from home, a stolen French bulldog was discovered giving birth to eight pups…

Magda, a dog of two years old, was abducted from her home in Bradninch, near Exeter, on May 13, leaving her owners distraught and unable to locate her. The puppy was discovered by police in Partington, Greater Manchester, on Saturday, when the owner was in the midst of her workday. She was taken into custody.

Her owners are thrilled to have Maggie back in their custody, and she is overjoyed to be back in their ownership.

Following their arrest, four people were arrested by the police and then released pending the conclusion of their investigations.

Two persons from Bradninch, where the dog was taken, were detained and held on suspicion of theft until June 29. They were released on bail the following day. A 24-year-old lady and a 29-year-old man have been identified as the suspects.

A 34-year-old man from Manchester was held for the same infraction when the dog was discovered, and he was later freed on bail until July 9, according to the police.

In addition, a 28-year-old Manchester woman was held on suspicion of trading in stolen property, but she was later released awaiting the conclusion of the investigation into her allegations.

“This is a fantastic conclusion for Maggie, and she has a happy ending,” said Jon Ezard, an inspector with the Greater Manchester Police Department. “This is a great outcome for Maggie, and she has a happy ending.”

It is with great thankfulness that I would convey my appreciation to our partners at the Devon and Cornwall Police for their assistance, and also to the general public for their assistance in locating them.”

Despite the fact that the breed is quite popular, the expense of owning a French bulldog is rising every year. It is not about money for those who are victimized by dog theft; rather, it is about losing a member of their family.”

During the two-year period between 2019 and 2020, police recorded a 170 percent rise in the number of dog theft instances, according to their records.

It was revealed by Devon and Cornwall Police that 77 dogs were abducted from their owners’ homes in the region alone in 2020-21, leading the agency’s decision to hire a specialized officer to tackle the growing trend of dog theft.

Those who own dogs are encouraged to get their animals microchipped so that they may be easily recognized in the event that they become separated from them. The public is also encouraged to maintain their gardens secure and to never let their pets alone in the open air.

Aside from that, dog owners should be on the alert for strange phone calls and should avoid putting up signs on their home declaring the existence of a canine companion.

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225 miles away from home, a stolen French bulldog was discovered giving birth to eight pups…
A dog with missing brain parts was saved from euthanasia and is now known as “the happiest dog on the planet.”