Murphy is unquestionably a cute dog today, but when fieldworkers with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) first saw him, they weren’t sure what he was or what he was supposed to be.
In a dark passage, Murphy was discovered neglected and alone, trapped in a filthy cage that had been left there. Murphy had developed painful, dirty mats of fur all over his body as a result of being abandoned in his own pee and excrement for an extended period of time.
Due to the mistreatment, Murphy now resembled a coughed-up hairball rather than a little canine companion. Murphy was promptly removed from the cage by the PETA fieldworkers who discovered him and transported him to a veterinarian.
In order to remove all of Murphy’s unclean hair, the doctor opted to sedate the fearful dog in order to untangle his knotted and unpleasant mats. Fortunately, the doctor was able to remove 2 pounds of ugliness and neglect, revealing a cute 7-pound pup behind all that fur.
The attention did not end there. Murphy spent a week in a PETA shelter, where he received much-needed care and love, before being moved to the Norfolk SPCA, where he received even more of the same. At this shelter, he met the people who would become his lifelong family.
Murphy is currently in a loving home where he is lavished with attention. Murphy is now able to grin again, thanks to the removal of all of the matted fur.
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