Dog’s Adorable Waddle Is Caused by a Rare Condition — But It Isn’t Keeping Him From Being Adorable…

This endearing movie depicts a dog that suffers from a disorder that causes him to wobble while he is walking or running.

Chip, the dog, is a 10-week-old cross between a Cocker Spaniel, a Beagle, a Boxer, a Collie, a Saint Bernard, and other breeds.

The young pup suffers from Cerebellar Hypoplasia, a disorder that impairs the area of his brain that regulates his movement abilities.

But that doesn’t stop him from doing what he loves: running and playing in the video above, all while maintaining his trademark wobble.

Chip’s owner, Sadie Reid, even has a customized wheelchair to assist him in walking; unfortunately, Chip’s first effort at utilizing the wheelchair did not go exactly as planned, as he flopped on his side (he was alright, however!).

To Reid, a scientist who lives with Chip in Maryland, “In short, the portion of his brain responsible for motor control and a few other things isn’t quite right, but he doesn’t know any different.”

Dogs with CH often have regular lives; they simply wobble a little bit more. Chip, on the other hand, is fully deaf as well.”

My whole family refers to Chip as ‘baby shark,'” I said “She goes on to say “His wobbles don’t deter him from moving forward, and he exudes confidence and a good attitude.

Chip and I are always learning from one another. There are constantly fresh hurdles for him to overcome, but he always manages to come up with humorous answers.”

When it comes to his daily routine, Reid shares that “Chip naps for the bulk of the day, so any opportunity to watch him run just melts my heart.” His lovely, cheerful smile has the ability to brighten any space.”

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Dog’s Adorable Waddle Is Caused by a Rare Condition — But It Isn’t Keeping Him From Being Adorable…
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