Ivan worked as a crane operator on a building site in his spare time. He decided to take a shortcut home one day after a particularly exhausting day at work and chose a route that wound its way through the courtyards of many residences. And then he became aware that a dog was trailing after him.
Upon first glance, it seemed like the animal was homeless and had been living on the streets. He was shocked, however, to see that the dog was holding a gift between its jaws.
As a result, they strolled hand in hand till the guy returned home. Ivan returned home and immediately began making his own supper since he was quite hungry.
When he peeked out the window, he noticed the same dog that had been following him the whole time standing beneath his window. It had a depressing expression on its face.
The guy surmised that the dog was in desperate need of food, so he brought sausage and bread to give to the helpless animal.
Ivan chose to observe the behavior of the four-legged from the comfort of his own home. To his amazement, the dog gathered up all of the food and left it in a bag.
Ivan reconnected with the dog three days later. This time it was brought to Ivan’s place of employment.
During the time that the guy was walking up to his floor in order to get another part of dog treats, it was waiting for him near the door, ready to greet him. Bacon and toast were on the menu today. The dog behaved in the same manner as he did the previous time with the food.
He made the decision that the next time he would put all of the food in a bag and follow after the dog. So they traveled for about a kilometer until the dog decided to take a shortcut to the subway, where an old gentleman was sitting on the stairs.
The parcel was delivered by the dog to its owner, who split the contents in half. He divided the money in half and handed half to his loyal buddy.
Ivan was very moved by the dog’s actions, and the dog went out of his way to assist its master at one of the most trying periods of his life.