Every day in Alaska, a caring man takes the danger of his own life to feed bald eagles with fish.․․ Watch the full video…

The majestic bald eagle is often regarded as a national emblem of the United States. They aren’t visible in every location. However, there are several areas where bald eagles may be found in large numbers.

For example, there are over 600 eagles in Alaska, despite the fact that the state only has a population of approximately 5,000 people.

A big number of bald eagles come to Dutch Harbor to feed since it is the most productive fishing ground in the vicinity.

Because the net was brimming with various varieties of fish, several fishermen decided to leave something for the bald eagles. A lead was constantly there to provide food for the eagles.

Jesse Peck was the name of the individual. He fed shrimp and other seafood to a group of bald eagles who gathered on the platform almost constantly.

Hungry eagles consume everything is offered to them in a short period of time. He even tosses food into the air, which adds to the enjoyment of the meal preparation process.

Watch the video here:

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Every day in Alaska, a caring man takes the danger of his own life to feed bald eagles with fish.․․ Watch the full video…
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