The events took place in Alaska, as one would expect. Although their home was not damaged by the earthquake with a force of 7 points, the parents were unable to recuperate as soon as they would have liked, and their little daughter did not fare as well in the emotional turmoil. The young lady started to sleep restlessly at night, waking up often in tears.
The family has a lovely bulldog called Fury who resides with them, and it was with him that the infant chose to rest at night. Parents were perplexed as to why she wanted to sleep with a dog, and the young lady was unable to provide an explanation.
As part of an experiment, the parents let the dog crawl into the crib with the infant and remain with him during the whole night. The grownups were really concerned and decided to put a surveillance camera in the children’s room.
The night went peacefully – the baby did not wake up or scream, despite the fact that she had to be comforted numerous times during the night before that. The young lady was in a good mood.
As soon as the parents arrived, they went to view what the camera had captured: Fury sat down in bed next to the daughter and she covered him with her blanket. The infant and the bulldog slept comfortably in their beds throughout the night.
As a result, the grownups discovered that the animal was assisting their youngster in overcoming his or her phobias, and Fury is now constantly sleeping close to his or her tiny owner.
Here is the video: