Hours after her puppy died, a heartbroken woman sees his face in the sky…

Our dogs are more than simply animals to us; they are best companions and family members… When one of them dies, it’s a terribly painful experience.

Many bereaved pet owners take solace in the thought that their pets are just beyond the “rainbow bridge,” blissfully awaiting us in the hereafter.

It was the case for a young lady who received a divine message from her deceased beloved dog.

Lucy Ledgeway, a 19-year-old from York, Uk, was heartbroken when her pet dog Sunny died. After having a seizure, the 14-year-old Jack Russell terrier passed.

Lucy was in deep mourning in the house after Sunny died, and she went on a vehicle ride with her boyfriend to get some fresh air and clear her mind.

Lucy wanted to sense Sunny’s presence as they passed a location where she used to take Sunny for walks.

“It was so strange. “I was thinking to myself that seeing Sunny in the sky would be a sign that she was okay,” she told the Daily Mail.

But then she took a look up into the sky… and observed her dog’s expression. “I was bawling my eyes out when I looked up and saw Sunny.”

Some non-believers may see nothing or dismiss it as a coincidence, but for Lucy, it was enough confirmation that her dog was in a good place.

“I felt a warmth after witnessing Sunny in the sky.” “It was her way of showing us she was fine,” Lucy explained.

She snapped a photo of the awe-inspiring vision and uploaded it on Twitter, where it quickly went viral. It has nearly 100,000 likes, with many dog lovers offering their condolences… and some have even shared similar accounts of seeing visions in the skies.

With so many incidents like these, it’s possible that our pets are sending us signs from beyond the rainbow bridge, as a means of assuring us that everything is fine.

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