Sarge, a 9-year-old German Shepherd, adopted and cared for countless orphaned fawns. Here is how…

The remarkable ability of dogs to be so kind, compassionate, and faithful will always be the focus of people’s affection.

Their large hearts are open to individuals in need of comfort, care, and protection.

It pertains not only to humans but also to other living things.

Sarge, a German Shepherd, is a gentle dog who cares for orphaned fawns.

Cheryl Stephan, her owner, is a big-hearted lady who has adopted numerous orphaned animals over the years, including several small fawns.

Sarge was very friendly and nice to all of the new animals, but he had a special soft spot for Buckheat, the first orphaned deer Cheryl adopted.

When Sarge first encountered this little creature, he felt a surge of warmth in his heart. He was immediately drawn to this fawn and soon became his protector.

Buckwheat’s care was overseen by the compassionate dog in every way. He quickly assumed the crucial role of “mom” to the fawn.

The dog followed Fawn anywhere he went, just to make sure that it was all fine with Buckheat.

Sarge needed to go find the fawn and bring him back when he grew up and became independent, venturing out alone.

Cheryl had to release Buckheat into the wild as he grew and became stronger.

That made the good dog very sad. His owner even predicted that he would never be as friendly with other animals as he was with this one.

Fortunately, she was mistaken. Sarge’s sympathy returned as soon as Cheryl brought more fawns for rehabilitation.

He rapidly became a babysitter for these amazing creatures.

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Sarge, a 9-year-old German Shepherd, adopted and cared for countless orphaned fawns. Here is how…
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