The dog was tied to a tree in 30-degree weather. The beast’s nib couldn’t reach the snow to quench its thirst. The dog sat like this for over 24 hours.
The canine was saved by the levy group «Chance». Elena grabbed the dog, treated him, and planted him at her house. The beast’s actions were eventually revealed to be “punishment” for the house’s destroyed cupboards. Elena didn’t return the dog to the old dictator owners; she called the cops.
Monty is the dog’s new name. Monty was feral, he couldn’t walk on a leash, and he didn’t understand the standards of public behavior. Monty was also befuddled by his new life — other critters, people, cars…
That was too much for the dog. But Monty, a fine dog, succumbed to his phobia. Monty was as curious about the world around him and wanted to explore it all.
Elena described Monty’s initial reaction to the nags. He was excitedly barking, attempting to communicate with his owner in dog language, and she was having fun with a happy pet.
On a walk with Monty, Elena encountered Alain. The girl had been hunting for a cute pet. She saw Monty and wanted to take him home with her. Everything going right for Monty and Alyona would be too mundane. The owner didn’t show up, so the girl stole Monty.
You’d think the narrative would finish pleasantly, but it doesn’t. The dog wasn’t used to living in a house. When Monti returned to the girl after the castration, he subconsciously pulled Alana down and began to enjoy his master’s company. A month later, Alyona had scars on her neck from the dog’s “overzealousness.”
Monti began making “orders” in the apartment. For the first six months, the girl returned to the house of chaos. The girl went on vacation and returned with tangled cables, torn walls, and a pile of effects. Instead of partying with her musketeers, Alyona had to start sketching.
Alyona contacted the dog handler, who advised she buy a pen and leave it with Monty when she departs. Monty unkinked the chassis on Alyona’s first pen, yet he still managed to bite the cabinetwork, so the pen wasn’t a hindrance. Monty’s owner was a determined girl who kept working with and training the dog.
Also, she traveled to Italy with Monty. They eat in a lovely bistro. Monty sat on the president with grace.
Initially embarrassed, Alyona requested her dog to hide beneath the table, but the owner told her that everything was OK and the dog was not upsetting anyone. He also begged permission to take the dog because it had a strong impact on him.
The dog rescued his owner from a burglary attempt. He followed them down and defended Alyona. She has a dog and adores it.