A puppy was stuck in mud for over 40 hours! See how this rescue dog saves his life…

A dog had gone missing, and the entire family was looking for him. Puppy is the name of the dog. The dog had been missing for nearly 40 hours.

Tino, the family’s second dog, was also present. The missing puppy has been located thanks to this dog. Prior to this, the dog had been trained as a search dog for 16 months.

The dog accompanied the family as they went horseback riding. The dog became disoriented on the way. He never returned home.

The Puppy had become stuck in the mud when he was discovered by a dog. Tino would have perished if he hadn’t looked for the dog and found him.

Ropes were used by the rescuers to pull the puppy out of the heavy mud. The dog was caught in the mud miles from home. Because the mud was freezing, the dog’s legs did not function correctly.

The dog will be completely healed after some time. He will be in good health and will live his life to the fullest. He overcomes a lot of stress and hurdles. He is a true survivor and fighter.

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A puppy was stuck in mud for over 40 hours! See how this rescue dog saves his life…
After being returned 4 times, a special needs dog eventually meets the perfect family who understands him the best…