Even though his room was very small, the kind homeless man brought a homeless dog to live with him… Click to read their story…

There are too many cruel people treating their pets badly in this world, but there are also many kind-hearted people who would do everything for their four-legged pals. They are the reason we all agree with humanity.

Marcus and Pickles met on the streets of Skid Row, Los Angeles. They both had hard times and learned to lean on each other.

When photographer John Hwang first saw the two, he was awestruck by their special bond. The two go everywhere together, John said.

Marcus and John grew close over time. In the photographer’s opinion, Marcus was a close friend who constantly texted or messaged to keep up with each other’s lives.

The homeless man’s bleak days were partly changed when he got a government-subsidized dwelling permit on Skid Row. It was only a small room with a common bathroom, but it was a thousand times better than wandering aimlessly on the street.

Of course, Marcus didn’t forget his best pal Pickles, with whom he wanted to share his awe. Nothing could separate Marcus and Pickles from that point on.

After Marcus and Pickles moved in, John decided to pay them a visit. He didn’t tell Marcus about his plans, so when he arrived, they were ready to welcome him.

“(Marcus) said to Maine, ‘I got a sense I had to return downstairs, and right here you are.’ Then we tend to give each other a big hug,” John said.

So Marcus let Pickles take up most of the area. But he didn’t expect Marcus to go above and beyond for his pricey pal.

“I noticed the unused mattress against the wall,” he said. “On the ground were a canine bed, a canine bowl for food and water, and a bunch of blankets.

The blankets and the canine mattress were all piled together. There was no canine area, male or woman portion, just a huge jumble of blankets and canine bed.”

Marcus told John he slept on the floor. Nothing mattered as long as Pickles was there. “I would do anything for him,” Marcus said.

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Even though his room was very small, the kind homeless man brought a homeless dog to live with him… Click to read their story…
Anybody walking by his cage will be able to hold hands with this lovely puppy…