After four weeks of rehabilitation, severely damaged dog rescues her puppy brother from snake attack…

A loud noise in the backyard woke Madeline Mills in early September.

She awoke instantly, fearing for her dogs Milly and Tonka.

The five-year-old had diarrhea and the puppy was vomiting, so Madeline walked outdoors.

Milly collapsed and went limp. Madeline carried both dogs inside.

A long brown snake in the grass, Madeline saw.

Milly had been poisoned.

Madeline grabbed a photo of the snake and rushed both dogs to the doctor.

Milly had numerous bleeding bites on her nose, legs, chest, and neck.

Tonka was unharmed, as proven by a checkup and blood testing.

Milly was in the hospital for four days. Despite her dangerous conditions, she kept her faith and battled for her life.

Tonka was only monitored for one night and then returned home. They found nothing wrong with the puppy.

Madeline and her husband are certain that Milly saved the baby’s life since she guards it.

Tonka would have died with one bite.

After four weeks of therapy, the dog went home. She has trouble walking but is attempting to play.

The snake attack took several years off the dog’s life, but Madeline says it’s over.

She admires the pet’s bravery and loyalty. Because the snake in their yard may harm not only a puppy but also people.

That Milly had saved from the streets, Madeline and her husband were grateful for her faithfulness.

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