Housepets are frequently abandoned on the streets after their families decide to leave them.
It’s heartbreaking to see these lost souls strolling the streets alone. Fortunately, there are always a few compassionate souls eager to help these ones.
In North Africa, one such person has been adopting and rehabilitating abandoned animals for many years. Due to the region’s warm heat, street streets are a constant.
There are no veterinary clinics or shelters in the village where the rescuer operates, making it difficult to provide care for all of the animals.
Moreover, the troop repopulates faster than the rescuer can provide for them. However, this man’s acts and persistence prove that assisting these beets was not impossible.
The rescuer has been uploading accounts of his successful rescues for ten months. His 161 videos have accumulated almost 23 million views.
Russo has a popular Twitter feed. His most recent rescue mission was in May 2020 when he was contacted by a neighbor.
On the street, possibly scared, was a lost puppy. When he came, he saw a little puppy, hardly able to stand on its own, screeching as though it had lost its parents.
He approached carefully because his condition was exceedingly fragile. The sight of this feeble pup was heartbreaking. Nobody knew how long he’d been gone or where his parents were.
His steady approach garnered the trust of the puppy and she allowed him through. She stopped crying when he took her in his arms. When the bot arrived, he brought him a bowl of warm milk, which he lapped down.
Probably because he drank from the bowl greedily, never having used a bowl before.
Some of the rescuer’s cats came to see him while he worked. Hundreds of stray cats and dogs flocked to the rescuer’s home. He hoped the puppy would be happy with the rescuer’s other eats.
After a while, they seemed to get along. Like they knew she was worried and perplexed. This interaction gave the rescued hope for a good life.
His YouTube channel continues to grow in views and subscribers as he rescues other animals in need. He hopes it inspires others to do unselfish acts and lend a hand in their communities.