An abused dog goes back to her rescuer…

Josh took Pepper in as a foster child, nursed her back to health, and paid for her therapy. In contrast, Pepper’s story took a few more twists and turns before the Labrador retriever/Pointer/Jack Russell Terrier mix became a permanent member of Josh’s household.

Here’s Pepper’s story, as told by Josh from her perspective:

“My name is Pepper, and I was given to the SPCA as a dumpster dog as a puppy.” Ironically, I was taken in by an animal hoarder who abused, neglected and imprisoned me in a storage shed in Houston, Texas, in the 110-degree heat of July. My bowl is a rusted pot, despite the fact that I only eat it twice a week. After being beaten with a choke while sleeping on my exercise bike, I learned to sleep standing up.

“When Josh, my rescuer, found me, I was surrounded by smaller deceased creatures that the hoarder had neglected to feed.” According to the vet, I had mange, 27 lacerations, (2) sets of worms, fleas, ticks, a shattered leg, was malnourished, and being petted terrified me to death.”

“After fixing me up, my new owner gave me to a loving family.” They lost track of me for a month because I escaped and fled. Every week, an instructor found me at a distant faculty and dropped me off at a veterinary clinic, where I stayed for four days. Josh kept in touch with the family he gave me to and did his homework, but because the data was still with the SPCA, they were ready to find me when he called.”

“Because the new family claimed it was an accident, he gave me back to them.” They tracked me down again a month later. I ran 14 kilometers to the same veterinary facility that my university professor had previously taken me to. They identified me as Josh, and he kept me, just as I had planned!!! Dreams are able to come true!! I’m now a happy, healthy dog that lives with a lovely family and has a Siberian husky stepsister whom I adore, an excellent human who spoils me and feeds me with the best basic food possible, and I live next to a 20-acre dog park.”

Dogs who have been rescued will always remember the people who saved them. We are emphasizing the heartwarming story of a dog rescued from a horrific environment and transformed into a precious connection.

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