She stops on the highway during a snow storm to rescue this lost dog…

A kind woman used tortillas to save a stray puppy from the cold in Texas. Without a sure, this act of generosity should be known to all, so others can help creatures in need.

A kind woman used tortillas to save a stray puppy from the cold on a Texas roadway. During the winter storms that hit many parts of the US, individuals came together to help animals in need.

Kristin Salinas was grocery shopping. She observed a stray dog going to freeze on her way home. Kristin, an animal enthusiast, immediately thought of a way to save a helpless dog.

Fearful, the animal is cautious. The dog wouldn’t let anyone near him, making it tough to save him. So Kristin used tortillas to entice him into the car and save him.

The woman left a tortilla-slice path for the dog to follow to her car, but the dog refused to follow. Then, despite the heavy snow, Kristin tried for half an hour to seduce him with tortillas.

After a short wait, the terrified Labrador finally approached Kristin’s car and sat in the back. “We’re trying to help the dogs,” Christine told Fox San Antonio. I hope people will help animals in need.”

The woman claimed she had no idea she was being filmed, but the main purpose was to save the puppy. She also told the local reporters that she regularly rescues dogs from the streets.

The woman took the puppy home and protected him from the cold so he could sleep.

The next day, she will try to find the dog’s owners, and if she fails, she will work with an Animal Assistance Center to find him a home. Lost Dogs, Cats, & Pets in San Antonio, Texas — Kristin uploaded a photo of the rescued dog.

When reuniting with his family, the dog is usually adopted out, although if this isn’t possible for some reason.

“Please spread this message so we can find the family of this animal!” said a Facebook post. a male black Labrador retriever with stunning brown eyes, safe, warm, and nourished! We only want to find its owners!”

The article has been widely circulated, and everyone hopes the rescued puppy can find a forever home soon. Several social media users thanked Kristin for saving the dog’s life.

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