To make matters worse, her family abandoned her at a well-known high-kill shelter.
Animals, like humans, require love, food, and shelter. When one dog returned home with her family, she thought she’d discovered all of these things and more. However, this was not the case.
Sydney, the family’s dog, was abandoned when she was only three months old. Sydney was transferred from a loving family to a freezing doghouse at the Carson Animal Shelter in California.
She didn’t know what she’d done wrong, and she or he burst into tears when she learned she’d lost her house. The most devastating aspect of this heartbreaking incident is that the family had no specific reasons for giving up the dog.
They just didn’t want her anymore. Some people have no sense of obligation to others.
Sydney is currently at a kill shelter because her family did not look for an adoptive home for her. She is doomed unless she can find a loving family to adopt her.
Sydney may be a cute puppy, but she is also courteous and good-natured. Nobody understands how these people can send her away. Unfortunately, this type of event occurs far too frequently.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, “about 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationally each year.” That is a shocking number.
There is, nevertheless, hope. According to the ASPCA, nearly 3.2 million pets are adopted each year. annually. Almost half of the creatures who are placed in these shelters are saved by the kind and warm hearts of loving pet owners.
These figures demonstrate that when it comes to assisting homeless animals, every act of kindness counts. Fortunately, Sydney’s story has a happy ending.
Sydney was adopted about a week after she arrived at the shelter!