Lovely Golden Retriever acts as surrogate father to 4 precious rabbit babies, and the 5 of them seem to be so cute and precious together…

There are numerous examples of so-called interspecies wildlife friendship throughout history.

Now we’ll tell you about Bailey, a great golden retriever that made friends with…bunnies.

A canine is like a father figure, a nanny for the amusing rabbits. Unfortunately, the children were orphaned, and they were left without a mom.

And Bailey, the golden retriever with a generous heart, took the rabbits’ plight to heart and took them under his care.

See how happy Bailey’s father is with his new position. The rabbits do anything they want with him, running, jumping, and even performing acrobatic tricks.

As a result, the rabbits become sleepy and snuggle closer to their father.

He is dependable and considerate. And the babies are very aware of it.

We believe we will not be mistaken in bestowing the honorary title on the respected dog not of a father, but of a true mother herself – affectionate, soft, and infinitely loving.

We can see that the bunnies have matured into adorable adult creatures. But they are still smitten with their dog protector.

In an interview, Bailey’s owner (Taras) stated that his pet was born with the intention of becoming a celebrity. “He’s a genuine good-hearted man; he adores everyone, and everyone adores him.”

For our part, we wish Bailey and his rabbit pals health, happiness, and the best of luck!

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Lovely Golden Retriever acts as surrogate father to 4 precious rabbit babies, and the 5 of them seem to be so cute and precious together…
It seems like this puppy has a body of a cow… You will not believe what his owners named him!