An adorable puppy saved the life of a man who had slipped and broken his neck. In the frigid weather, the dog slept on him for 24 hours.
The dog lay on his body in the snow and made noises, causing someone to come and help the ailing guy.
Bob is the name of the individual. He emerged from his home to gather wood for Christmas Eve. Kesley is the name of the dog. He was a golden retriever who was five years old.
The dog had just seen the man lying down and crying for aid. He lay on his body, barking for rescue and licking the man to warm him up.
Even when the guy was unable to summon assistance, the dog continued to bark. One of the neighbors heard the barking in the morning and rescued the man by phoning an ambulance.
The dog saved his life by warming him and remaining alert at all times. Both the man and the dog will recover quickly.
The dog is an unsung hero. He tried his best and was applauded by the entire animal clinic personnel.