A one-pound puppy who is unable to move on his own makes a Christmas wish for a personalized wheelchair…

Toby is a Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier cross, a dog about the size of a cat.

Furthermore, this kid was born with hydrocephalus, a condition in which excess fluid gathered in his brain and pressed on it, affecting movement coordination.

The puppy measured little under 1.5 pounds and was the smallest in the litter. Everything seemed to point to him not having a chance at a good life; the odds looked to be stacked against him.

And the owners made the decision to euthanize him.

It appeared to them to be a humane option — not to prolong the pain of the kid, who would not be able to live a full life even with the most attentive care.

Fortunately, the local community that was assisting the Yorkshire Terriers became aware of the issue.

They stepped in and took the puppy, hoping to give him a better future.

And so it came to pass.

The wheels of generosity are turning, and the puppy is about to receive the most magical Christmas present imaginable: a miniature “wheelchair,” a metal frame with wheels that supports the helpless infant, helps him stay on his feet and keeps him from bashing into corners.

This stroller was handcrafted and was truly a work of art.

“Every living thing deserves a right to life,” says Kit DeRoche, president of the rescue organization that rescued Toby.

“And if somebody has an issue, Florida Yorkie Rescue isn’t too far away.”

Toby is now walking, and his weak front legs will strengthen.

Kit was so moved by the bravery of a small puppy that she adopted it for herself.

The woman hopes that Toby’s story may inspire others to adopt a special-needs puppy or make changes in their own life.

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A one-pound puppy who is unable to move on his own makes a Christmas wish for a personalized wheelchair…
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