The dog never got to live in a house with his adoring owners; his entire life was that of a stray dog.
In addition, he was hit by a car.
The dog was seriously injured, and the motorist did not even slow down to investigate it.
Fortunately, passers-by were not too sluggish to take the poor man to the refuge.
The veterinarians exchanged glances: the paw could not be salvaged.
King had to have his leg amputated, heal, and now learn to walk on three legs.
No one wanted to take him home after the operation: he was too elderly, too sick, and who needed more trouble?
Month after month, the old guy languished in a cage, unsure of what lay ahead of him.
Fortunately, TV host, Rocky Kanaka learned about the dog doomed to loneliness.
He took King to the dog program to brighten his day.
The plan had been to go shopping.
Everything the dog touches with his nose, he takes.
Didn’t King deserve to take a vacation at least once in his life?
As a result, they proceed to walk through the trade floors. King realized what was going on right away – and began to make his decision.
The basket held the following items: balls, a large bone, rope, a dinosaur toy, cat food…
Unfortunately, the TV host was misled in certain instances. A live hamster piqued King’s interest, but it was not purchased.
But they gave him something more valuable: a home and a family.
The woman had been wanting a dog for a long time and consented to meet King.
When new acquaintances met, they quickly liked each other; there were so many emotions!
The dog identified her as the owner right away.
The presenter performed a magnificent act by deciding the fate of the dog.
He is now in good care and will spend out his days in warmth and satiation.