Before he was adopted, the shelter pit bull made his bed day after day. Watch the video here!

This pit bull was so eager to find a family that he was willing to go to any length to demonstrate what a great companion he would be.

Rush, a shelter dog, is captured on video at the SICSA Pet Adoption Center in Kettering, Ohio, holding his blanket in his jaws and staring regretfully at the camera as he tries to make his bed.

SICSA shared the video on Facebook, and A family saw it, came to meet Rush, and fell in love.

Rush’s new family is made up of a local couple. They adopted the puppy a week later, believing they were fated being together.

They explained that they had previously lost their puppies and were not entirely prepared for a new pet at the time.

They did, however, come across Rush in the media and on an animal shelter website.

On their way to the center, they also observed a sign that said “Rush to be there,” but the middle two words were too small to read, so they just took it as Rush there.

He is overjoyed to have found a beautiful caring home and family. He’s a gorgeous, good-natured small boy!

Watch the video below.

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Before he was adopted, the shelter pit bull made his bed day after day. Watch the video here!
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