Raden Soemawinata, 20, was to Brighton Pier in Melbourne, Australia, to spread his grandmother’s ashes into the water.
But he had no clue he’d end up saving another life while he was saying goodbye to one.
A little puppy named Bibi was blown over the bridge and into the water exactly as he was expressing his farewell.
Soemawinata instantly stripped down to his underwear and dived into the river to save the terrified pup, while a frightened Drummond and other bystanders looked on.
Soemawinata, fortunately, was able to catch a struggling Bibi and bring him out of the water to safety. Drummond kneeled down and pulled Bibi up while he held her erect. Drummond hugged Soemawinata and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized her furbaby was okay.
She never intended this to happen in the first place, but I’m sure she’ll clutch Bibi whenever she’s at the dock from now on.
Soemawinata, dubbed a hero, was in the right position at the right moment to save Bibi. It was undoubtedly fate, and both Bibi and Drummond are grateful for his foresight.