Hope For Paws received a call from Animal Control one day.
They claimed that a puppy lives in the mountains and occasionally visits residential structures to hunt for food in the trash.
They requested assistance because they had already attempted to apprehend the dog several times with no success.
When the rescuers arrived, they found a malnourished, balding, and terrified dog.
They realized they had to do everything in their power to assist this sad man.
The animal was terrified and wary.
The helpers devised a tasty approach to entice the dog!
Doggie was nervous, but he couldn’t pass up a tasty, juicy cheeseburger!
When one of the rescuers gave the dog a treat, she began to approach and eat it right out of her hands.
Another rescuer was able to sneak up on the dog and catch her in a “trap” while the animal was preoccupied.
The dog was shocked at first and tried to break free and flee, but it didn’t take long for her to calm down and realize that these humans had come to rescue her.
She ate her cheeseburger enthusiastically, extending her head to the volunteers to pat behind her ear.
Edna, the charming beauty, was given that name by the rescuers.
The shelter’s first step was to scan the canine for a microchip.
Edna turned out to have a chip!
Rescuers discovered that her original owner had handed the dog to a new family, who had evidently abandoned the animal.
They informed the former owner of the pet’s death.
It’s been two years since then!
Edna’s original owner was relieved that she was still alive, but she was unable to take the dog with her and begged the shelter personnel to find her a decent home.
The beauty rapidly established herself in the shelter and earned many friends.
Edna was adopted by a family a few weeks after she arrived. The couple was smitten by the beauty’s ashen complexion and innocent eyes.
Edna now has the opportunity to begin a fresh start in life!