Read the story of this dog who saved the soldiers’ life and received the highest honor!

The subject of this story is a hero with waving tails and fur, a dog named Kuno, who went above and beyond his responsibilities by putting his life on the line for warriors. He made a great account by going above and above his responsibilities and sacrificing his life to save the warriors. 

The Dickin Medal was bestowed to him as the highest honor by the British military for his acts that went above and beyond the call of duty. No one is more deserving of it than he is.

Kuno’s Self-Sacrifice Kuno completed a lot of missions successfully. The last one, however, was crucial. He supported British forces during a raid on an al-Qaeda base. But then something unusual happened. Invaders wielding machine guns rapidly surrounded British soldiers. Kuno quickly resolved to save his human comrades after seeing them stranded.

The militants fired grenades and machine guns towards Sherrain Reber, pinning the army down and rendering it immobile. Kuno recognized this and did not hesitate to leap through a shower of gunfire and disrupt the attacker’s strategy. The mission was finished. As a result of the process of saving his soldiers, Kuno was severely injured. His back legs, in particular, were riddled with gunshot wounds, and he was cured at the US Army Veterinary Treatment Facility.

Kuno had to wear a brace on one side and a prosthetic on the other when his paw was severed.

As a result of the injuries, Kuno now wears a brace on one side and a prosthetic on the other. Kuno became the first military working dog in the United Kingdom to be fitted with a prosthetic leg in 2016.

He was adopted by a loving family after he retired. As a consequence, Kuno now has more free time to do anything he wants. He can now live as a pup in a loving environment.

He was the 72nd animal to earn the Dickin Medal since its inception by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). 35 dogs, 32 WW2 messenger pigeons, four horses, and a cat are among the other 71 animals to receive the medal.

Ben Wallace, the British defense secretary, stated in a statement that Kuno deserves the Dickin Medal for his gallantry. She went on to say that the medal is a significant acknowledgment of their military canines’ roles both locally and globally. We are assured all through the story that these animals were there to protect people.

Finally, he’s enjoying his retirement with his family. He deserved to have a good retirement. His devotion, sacrifice, and bravery will not be forgotten!

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