Let’s face it: we’ve all done heinous things only to grab a cookie. While we’re not proud of the fact that we made them, a cookie is still a cookie. I once told my 3-year-old nephew that I heard Santa banging on the door merely to get him to leave so I could eat the last cookie on the plate.
So, since dogs are considered to be men’s best companions, why should they be any different when it comes to this? They are, however, not! And the amusing video below is proof of that.
These adorable puppies got themselves into trouble because of a cookie, just like kids. So when their mother asks them the most painful question, ‘Who stole the cookie?’ the scene that follows is full of drama. Mom knows it’s unlikely for one of them, to be honest, but she tries nevertheless.
“I will give you the chance to do the right thing,” the woman promises. “I understand it will take some time, but think about it.” Consider doing the right thing, gentlemen. So, tell me, who took the cookie from the counter?”
So, when he sees himself surrounded, Harley – “a mama’s boy who is unconditionally and lovingly loyal to me” – knows he might get a way out, so blaming his sister is the best he can do. Loa is, after all, “a darling, affectionate, and easygoing.”
And she adores her mother, big brother, and pretty much everyone else.” As a result, she will do nothing to defend herself.
Harley and Loa, both found guilty as charged, demonstrate that dogs are nothing more than innocent thieves. It doesn’t matter if they’re taking cookies or people’s hearts! Watch the amusing video here: