Here is the funny video of this dog getting stuck in his bed…

Dogs are a never-ending source of joy and happiness. Life with a dog is a lot less boring because they are constantly coming up with fresh and surprising methods to entertain their owners.

You never know what your dog may do next, so it’s best to keep a camera on hand at all times so that you can record anything worth sharing.

Fortunately, this owner was able to capture her dog doing something unexpected, and the video has gone viral. The beautiful Jack Russell managed to dig a hole in his bed and became trapped inside.

The dog began going about the home practically wearing its bed, much like a turtle carrying its house on its back. As you may expect, that wasn’t the most pleasant scenario for the dog.

This Jack Russell obviously enjoys digging and destroying, but this is the first time his antics have turned out to be entertaining!

The dog’s owner finally lifted him out of his bed after allowing him to stroll around while carrying its bed. That, however, should teach him a lesson regarding why he should think twice before digging in his bed.

Watch the video below!

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