Leia, like many German shepherds, considers her family to be the most essential aspect of her life. She demonstrates her devotion to her people by always being at their side and keeping an eye on them.
So, when her grandfather had to spend the night in the hospital, she waited by the door in the most agonizing way for him to return home.
Everything started much earlier this year, when Leia’s fur mother, Katie Snyder, sent her to her grandparents’ house for a holiday.
However, Leia had a health condition that required him to visit the hospital that evening. Her mother was unable to stay with him because of covid, so she came back home without him…
Leia greeted her grandmother, but she quickly recognized something was wrong. Where had her grandfather gone? And the puppy stood up. set and sat in front of the door, her head bowed low.
No one recognized how attached Leia had been to her grandfather until that moment. Snyder decided that because the puppy adored her father, she would allow her to live with him indefinitely.
Snyder stated that his father was well and went home the next day to a delighted Leia. He has become her owner…