The winter was strange; ice rain battered passers-by, and thaws followed shattering frosts. Bertha, a half-breed shepherd with smooth, curled hair and a fluffy tail, waited for her benefactor at the door each evening, judging by the color. Stray animals were unpopular in their neighborhood.
Previously, it was assumed that throwing food away was more ethical than feeding stray dogs. Bertha was grateful and, contrary to appearances, loving. When she saw the girl, she bolted and went to “hug.” All the girl could do was give Bertha some food and some affection.
Bertha barked loudly when she approached the girl’s house one morning. When the child stepped outside with a tray of candy, her heart flooded with compassion. The pup appeared to be upset. Her drenched fur was matted with snowballs and icicles, and she was knee-deep in a freezing pool.
The girl realized she couldn’t keep the dog on the streets for much longer. Bertha seemed to be waiting for her invitation to come to her house. It only took a motion to the door, and the mongrel happily slipped inside and plopped down on the mat at the targeted apartment’s entrance.
Bertha worked hard to please the girl’s mother, and she performed the basic trick “Give a paw” brilliantly. The dog desired attention as a reward, closing her eyes in joy when her ears were stroked.
Bertha did not really even reach for the bowls that time, overtaken by affection and warmth. She was cleaned clean of snow and filth before lying down on a blanket-covered sofa. The dog fell asleep while hugging his first toy, exhausted yet utterly content.