Disliked for suffering from an ‘ugly disease,’ a very kind hand reaches out to embrace her soul…

Basic medical care is a luxury for many dogs, especially those neglected or abused. A six-year-old Mexican dog Yuki was discovered roaming the streets after her horrible owners evicted her. She was suffering from a severe case of sarcoptic mange. Her skin resembled potato chips.

Finally, a rescue group located Yuki and transported her to the emergency room. The vet was taken aback when he saw Yuki. Her skin was the most disgusting he’d ever seen!

Yuki was also highly underweight, weighing only 44 pounds. Yuki, for example, should weigh at least 60 pounds! She was hungry! And unnoticed. Yuki also tested positive for Ehrlichiosis, an incurable tick-borne disease…

Layers of dead skin had to be removed by the veterinarian. Yuki looked like a burn victim when he pulled the ‘potato chip’ layer. Fortunately, she did not have to suffer! She was given pain relievers and antibiotics. She was also given a high-calorie diet. She began to gain weight and was overjoyed to be surrounded by such kind people.

Yuki was placed in a foster home after being medically cleared by the vet. She enjoyed being a member of a family and was no longer mistreated. She sat on the sofa and ate from a bowl twice a day. Yuki treasured the things that most people take for granted.

The lovely lady enjoys car rides. She eagerly climbed into the car and drove from her foster home in Mexico to her foster family in California…

Yuki is doing fantastically well! Her foster mother says she is very well-behaved and enjoys playing. It’s only a matter of time before Yuki discovers her true love. Every life is valuable, and every dog deserves to be loved!

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