Regardless of how hard you look, you won’t find a better couple than a baby and a dog. On the other side, it’s difficult to express the special link that exists between our four-legged animals and our kids.
I’m not certain if it’s because the dogs are overprotective of little children, or because the kids let them do whatever they want. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain: seeing such a unique bond is nothing short of touching. And the little girl in the video below, together with her protector Husky, is no exception.
Vacuum cleaners are frequently adored by infants since the sound they produce comforts them. In this case, though, the opposite is true. When the vacuum starts up, the adorable girl is on her way to see her dad. The 11-month-old is scared by the loud boom and immediately turns around. But it’s only now that something wonderful occurs.
We may expect the little girl to shout out for her mother, but instead, she runs over to hug her dog, who is sitting in the corner. With her little fuzzy sibling by her side, the girl feels more secure than ever. Of course, her older brother keeps his calm and shows his protective side.
It’s amazing to see how much trust this toddler has in her canine partner to keep her safe. They have to have a very particular relationship. The cute film highlights how trustworthy dogs can be in any situation.