Watch this video of a deaf dog who cannot go into water near the pool…

Max, the Great Dane, wishes to spend the day swimming in a pool area. His mom, on the other hand, is clearly against it. She has not provided her consent for his swim time.

Max may be heard whining a little initially, but as time passes, his modest whines grow into a noisy session of whimpering, one acting performance worthy of an Oscar. It’s the equivalent of a child pleading for chocolates or junk food when all he’s allowed to eat is the fresh veggies in front of him.

To top it all off, Max is deaf, therefore it’s amazing that he can interpret his mother’s motions and lips. Normally, he and his mom get along wonderfully, but this time he is clearly refusing to let go, and his mom isn’t having it.

He even reaches the water and dips one of his paws in to test the temperature.

All through this time, he proceeds to whine in order to communicate to his mother how irritated and wounded he is with her. Max will hopefully be rejoined with his mom and able to swim again shortly. He appears to enjoy the water.

Here is the video!

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Watch this video of a deaf dog who cannot go into water near the pool…
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