Giant Mastiff is unconcerned about completing the agility course and wins over the audience… Watch the video here!

First and foremost, agility is a sport that few people are familiar with, but that most dog lovers will certainly enjoy. The sport is designed to demonstrate a dog’s ability to work with his owner in a variety of scenarios. Good-at-this-sport dogs are usually intelligent, disciplined, and have a close bond with their handler.

Agility is, after all, an athletic event that needs physical conditioning, intense focus, hours of training, and the capacity of a dog to function as part of a team. As you can see, it’s no stroll in the park, and dogs who have mastered the sport are incredibly intelligent creatures.

However, in the hilarious video below, you’ll see one of the top agility course competitors in the world, and what he can achieve will leave you dumbfounded. Well, sort of. Because Zeus, the gentle giant, appears to have his own method of ‘running’ through the barriers.

The big dog clearly failed the agility course when competing at the Rocky Mountain Cluster Dog Show in Denver, Colorado, as he recorded the slowest time whatsoever. Instead, he won every single heart in the audience, and that’s a significant deal.

The English Mastiff moves slowly through the obstacle course, but he is as agile as they come for a dog of his size. He is not really the fastest dog in the race, but he is undoubtedly one of the most relatable. His handler wasn’t really happy with Zeus’ performance, but at least he was trying!

Watch the video below!

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Giant Mastiff is unconcerned about completing the agility course and wins over the audience… Watch the video here!
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