This Pit Bull Acts Like a Drama Queen While Getting…

Pet grooming sessions can be either a delight or a misery. While some pets are fine with being washed, brushed, and cleaned, others will try everything they can to avoid them.

The Pit Bull has a strong aversion to nail clippers. The pit bull in this scene simply sees it as a fatal machine that must be avoided at all costs. When Mom tells her Pit Bull it’s time to cut her nails, the devastated dog’s first reaction is to ignore her.

Mom, on the other hand, simply takes his paw in her hand and begins trimming his nails. That’s when we witness the Pit Bull go all out with his theatrical antics! He begins to lean backward in slow motion, eventually collapsing flat on the floor, his limbs frozen in mid-air!

Mom, on the other hand, continues to trim “heartlessly.” So the poor dog looks at the guy filming him with the saddest eyes, begging to be rescued! While his theatrical performance did not save him from the horrors of nail-clipping, it is certainly deserving of an Oscar nomination! How adorable!

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This Pit Bull Acts Like a Drama Queen While Getting…
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