Rave, an adorable poodle, is a very nice dog. She enjoys welcoming passers-by. Kim Carino, the dog’s owner, took the dog to be trained.
Carino’s pal worked as a trainer and had a positive experience. Once a week, the dog was taken to a park for training. Summer was used to training the dog.
The dog and her trainer became friends. This instruction has the potential to help her discover her true self. Rave was a big fan of her coach.
It had been almost a year since the dog had seen her trainer. The puppy’s owner and trainer decided to plan a surprise for him.
They decided to meet in the local park where the dog had previously been trained. The trainer simply sat silently on the bench to see if the dog knew him.
When the dog’s owner and the dog approached the bank where the trainer was sitting, the dog scented the man and identified him right away.
It was a heartbreaking scene. The dog leaped on the man and closely held him. The dog was clearly missing his pal. Rave was overjoyed on that particular day.
The smart poodle has a special companion in the trainer. They will meet regularly in the near future because they both adore each other and have a strong bond.
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