Takis approached a dog tethered to a wall, and he was dismayed to find the difficulties she was still having.
She was exhausted and hungry because she had nowhere to go and nothing to eat. That didn’t stop her from wagging her tail when she saw him, though! The happy, young dog only wanted to be appreciated.
As he stepped over to liberate her from the slipup and mortar, she was eager and revved up to start going.
The dog yearned to see the outside world and to be treated as a beloved companion. This was the beginning of her second chance at life!
She was a little hesitant at first, back at the sanctuary, around all of the other dogs, but she quickly worked her way in when she saw the food!
As she waits for a loving forever home, the puppy will undoubtedly receive all of the attention she requires from her new friends.
Watch the video below!