When a climber brought his dog to the mountains, he definitely did not expect things to turn out this way.
North is an Alaskan Malamute who enjoys the mountains even more than the plains.
However, this journey turned out to be unlike any other. And the evening’s entertainment for two pals was on the verge of becoming tragic.
They had already climbed to a height of 1700 meters, and snow and ice had begun to fall – when North’s owner was suddenly injured.
The climber was unable to continue climbing and was also unable to descend. The man was able to summon assistance, although it took a long time…
A snowstorm erupted as the night progressed, and a team of 27 rescuers was unable to make their way up through the rubble, ice, and fallen trees.
The temperature in the mountains dropped dramatically as the sunset and the owner of North began to freeze.
He couldn’t move to warm up, and the rescuers didn’t know how long it would take them to discover him.
He wasn’t alone, thankfully.
A loyal dog sat down beside him. North curled up on his owner’s stomach and began to produce a lot of heat.
The climber was calmed and warmed by the presence of a buddy, and they remained together till dawn: a wounded climber and a shaggy dog.
Rescuers arrived at the climber at midnight, and the owner of North received assistance the next morning.
They were able to lower the man to the ground, and the Malamute remained at his side.
The rescuers who discovered this heartwarming scene were astounded.
“We all need to learn how to take care of each other in this situation,” one of them added.
Even after help arrived, North stayed with the owner for thirteen hours and did not leave him. The dog only returned home after the man was brought to the hospital.
Because he saved the owner’s life, a good boy has entered the family circle, and he is constantly fed goodies and scratched behind his ears…