For a dog condemned to live on the streets, life is exceedingly difficult. These vulnerable creatures are urgently trying to find shelter wherever they can because they don’t have food or a roof over their heads. This small dog was living in the vicinity of a gas station, begging for scratches and hoping to find a home one day. It’s the real deal! Her story, fortunately, has a good conclusion!
Images and films of a very nice dog greeting everyone with a huge smile and her tail waving at a petrol station in Ukraine went viral online, attracting the attention of some very wonderful people whose purpose is to help as many needy pets as possible – Love Furry Friends.
After watching the footage, the group’s creator – an angel who describes herself as a true “dog lover willing to do anything to help a pet in need” – hopped in her car and drove directly to the dog’s rescue!
When she arrived, she heard from the gas station employees that the dog is a stray who spends her time roaming the parking lot. As a result, it was evident to the rescuer that this helpless canine required assistance. When the woman approached the dog, she simply greeted her with joy. It was love at first sight for both of them.
The dog was taken to the doctor after being rescued since she didn’t appear to be in the best of health. It wasn’t serious, though, and after a quick trip to the groomer, Linda, the dog they named, entered a house for the first time in her life, where she was properly fed.
Linda, who is thought to be around two years old, has rapidly adjusted to her new life and appears to be happier than ever. She’ll stay with her savior for a bit until the wonderful woman finds some loving parents who are willing to take Linda in!
Here is the video!