Dog Hides In UPS Truck Then Rides Around Town With An “Important Message” For Everyone…

A handshake agreement existed between a UPS deliveryman and a Golden Retriever: the man would give the dog a goodie every time he came by the house. Isn’t this rather normal stuff? This carried on for a long until the deliveryman neglected to deliver the sweets one day. The dog was irritated, so he decided to take matters into his own hands!

While the delivery person was dropping off packages and not looking, the dog did what he thought he had to do to obtain a treat and got into the truck. The dog got into the back of the truck and ended up riding across town! Later, when the man spotted the dog back there, he returned the Golden to his owner.

The dog’s owner found the whole thing humorous and used Reddit to “dog shame” him. He pinned a message to the dog and showed everyone the photo.

“Because the UPS guy failed to leave me a cookie, I slipped into his truck and rode around the neighborhood with him.” He had to return me to my residence.” WOW!

Redditors came in with their own tales of pets showing a particular interest in UPS drivers, the most popular of which was:

The moral of this story is this: make sure you never run out of snacks on your routes, or you might wind up with a furry passenger!

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Dog Hides In UPS Truck Then Rides Around Town With An “Important Message” For Everyone…
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