When a pit bull saved from a fighting ring gets his first bite, he ‘loses his mind.’ Here is the story, video attached!

On so many levels, dogfighting is a sport that should be banned. We’re going to tell you about a puppy who was saved from there today. Meet Mighty Finn, a.k.a. Finn the Pit Bull.

Pit Bulls that have been bred to fight are typically seen as dangerous. Finn, on the other hand, was far from that. He was so desperate for affection and food that when he received his first delectable nibble after being rescued, he couldn’t believe his eyes and nearly passed out!

Finn was raised in appalling conditions and was rarely if ever, offered treats. As a result, when his new humans gave him a slice of pizza crust, he had discovered one of life’s greatest pleasures!

He went insane! He began skating from one corner of the room to the other, smashing his side body into the walls. He was clearly overjoyed! The pizza zoomies had infiltrated the premises!

This adorable Pit Bull demonstrates how the little things in life can bring us so much joy.

He currently lives in a secure, happy, and comfortable environment, and he enjoys pizza crusts.

Here is the video:

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When a pit bull saved from a fighting ring gets his first bite, he ‘loses his mind.’ Here is the story, video attached!
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