Rex, a lovely dog, had an easy time with it. Without a family to adore him, the poor creature was forced to live on the streets. Fortunately, things changed for him when he was adopted by Ed Gernon of California. Rex has been grateful for everything his wonderful human has done for him ever since, and he has been striving to repay that compassion. That chance came his way recently!
The rescuer was out for a walk with his father when he came across a small bird sitting on the ground beneath a tree. He dashed over to check on the small creature, but it appeared to be dead already. Though Ed agreed, Rex refused to leave it, so his human decided to investigate further. He was amazed to discover that the tiny bird – a hummingbird – was still alive, but very weakly.
For CBS Los Angeles, Ed explained, “It was this small creature.” “This delicate creature was being overlooked by the entire world, and he was attempting to protect her, so I decided to go the extra mile.”
As a result, Ed snatched the vulnerable little creature and rushed her to his home, where she began to care for her. Surprisingly, the hummingbird regained her vigor and began to fly again after only a few days. Ed gave her the name Hummer and wanted to release her back into the wild after noticing she was strong enough, but the magnificent creature had other ideas. She was adamant about not leaving. Furthermore, she fell in love with Rex and pretended to believe that the caring dog had saved her life…
Ed posted a series of wonderful movies to his YouTube channel to show the world his dog’s strange connection with the bird they rescued!
“She wanted to be near to him wherever he was,” Ed explained. “She even started swimming in his water dish to pass the time until she could play with him again while he ate.” So unusual, but incredible. This dog was saved by me. He comes to the bird’s aid. In a strange way, the bird saves us all, and it’s a miracle.”
Here’s more on this story: