Freya was adopted by Kat Kenny and her soon-to-be husband five years ago, and it was love at first sight. The dog had become a member of the family since then, and Kat and her boyfriend couldn’t fathom their life without their furry child.
As a result, it goes without saying that Freya would be present at their wedding. The lovely dog stepped in as the flower girl, and she appeared to be having the time of her life. Freya, who has always been a loving dog, got along well with all of the guests and was rewarded with lots of hugs and cuddles.
Her mother told THE DODO, “She was an angel.” “She’d stayed inside with me during my celebration, and we let her out just as we were leaving.” She walked down the aisle to greet my husband before going up and down each row of guests to make sure everyone knew she was the show’s star.”
However, such a significant event always brings with it a plethora of emotions, which Freya appears to have struggled to overcome. When nature called for the poor dog, the ceremony began and everything appeared to be in order. What better spot for her to do her business than behind the arbor? Of course, Freya wished for her private moment to go unnoticed, but it seemed impossible given that every single guest at the wedding was staring at the arbor, and she was just behind it.
Things were going well at first because just a few people noticed Freya and attempted to ignore her, but the show began when Kat’s mother recognized her. Then the entire wedding party burst out laughing.
“Most of the guests had already noticed but were kind enough not to say anything,” Kat recounts, “but of course, my mother exclaimed, ‘OH NO, Freya!'” “We requested that our ceremony be full of laughing, and nothing makes everyone laugh quite like a huge dog doing her business under the arbor.”
Freya returned to her spot as soon as she was finished, as if nothing had happened. However, everyone decided to remind her that she was the star of the event, so they began applauding her. Her mother stated, “She came BOUNDING back to us with the most ecstatic expression, and straight back to her crowd of loving followers.”
Freya’s plan to ‘ruin’ her parents’ wedding placed a grin on everyone’s face at the party, but the event will likely go down in history as the most humorous memory they have of this very precious day. “To our delight, it was the topic of the evening,” Kat remarked. “We’re a couple who enjoys creating memories, especially with our furry kids, and we couldn’t have imagined something as entertaining as this!”