Over a hundred thousand people know the story of this dog who does not let go of his plush toy… Read it here!

Barley, a golden retriever, has always had many toys, but one of them in particular — a small version of himself – has become very significant to him.

Zita Butler and Mark Wisselo, dog owners, purchased a stuffed golden retriever from IKEA a week before getting a pet.

They thought the puppy would enjoy a toy that resembled him so closely.

They hit the nail on the head with this gift; despite the fact that Barley has grown up, no one has ever seen him without his beloved Fluffy.

The toy is always with Barley, no matter what he does, whether it’s a dinner snooze on the couch or travel to another country.

Holland, Belgium, France, and Germany have all hosted the plush dog.

Zita and Mark are very vigilant in ensuring that Fluffy is safe – after all, Barley can’t live without his pal.

But, just in case, the couple purchased a few “back-up” Fluffy because you never know what can happen.

According to the proprietors, they sincerely hope that IKEA does not abandon this model and that their modest inventory is progressively replenished.

Fluffy has saved the family from danger on several occasions.

When Barley’s family had to put him in a protective collar after his castration, they also manufactured a plastic cone for the toy.

According to the owners, Barley assumed his companion was unwell and began to care for him, bringing him food and bones.

This encouraged the dog to focus on something other than his own troubles and inconveniences, and Barley healed quickly.

The owners of Barley developed an Instagram page for him to communicate about his touching attitude toward his toy.

It was seen by almost 130 thousand people.

Zita and Mark share images and videos of their dog on social media on a regular basis, garnering hundreds of comments from followers of the adorable retriever.

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Over a hundred thousand people know the story of this dog who does not let go of his plush toy… Read it here!
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